EcoEvoRxiv Subjects
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- Arts and Humanities (14)
- History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology (3)
- Other Arts and Humanities (2)
- Other Languages, Societies, and Cultures (1)
- Pacific Islands Languages and Societies (1)
- Philosophy (3)
- Business (5)
- Education (8)
- Engineering (8)
- Law (2)
- Life Sciences (1500)
- Agriculture (40)
- Animal Sciences (88)
- Aquaculture and Fisheries Life Sciences (13)
- Ornithology (31)
- Other Animal Sciences (8)
- Zoology (61)
- Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structural Biology (8)
- Biodiversity (343)
- Bioinformatics (32)
- Biology (197)
- Biotechnology (5)
- Cell and Developmental Biology (8)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (1017)
- Behavior and Ethology (158)
- Desert Ecology (10)
- Evolution (224)
- Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (198)
- Population Biology (105)
- Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology (175)
- Entomology (58)
- Food Science (5)
- Forest Sciences (39)
- Genetics and Genomics (59)
- Computational Biology (9)
- Genetics (15)
- Genomics (28)
- Molecular Genetics (8)
- Other Genetics and Genomics (2)
- Immunology and Infectious Disease (23)
- Immunity (7)
- Immunology of Infectious Disease (7)
- Immunopathology (3)
- Other Immunology and Infectious Disease (5)
- Parasitology (6)
- Laboratory and Basic Science Research Life Sciences (2)
- Marine Biology (60)
- Microbiology (54)
- Bacteriology (7)
- Environmental Microbiology and Microbial Ecology Life Sciences (38)
- Organismal Biological Physiology (2)
- Other Microbiology (7)
- Pathogenic Microbiology (8)
- Virology (7)
- Neuroscience and Neurobiology (6)
- Nutrition (3)
- Other Life Sciences (33)
- Pharmacology, Toxicology and Environmental Health (6)
- Environmental Health Life Sciences (4)
- Other Pharmacology, Toxicology and Environmental Health (1)
- Pharmacology (1)
- Toxicology (1)
- Physiology (29)
- Cellular and Molecular Physiology (2)
- Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology (13)
- Endocrinology (3)
- Systems and Integrative Physiology Life Sciences (2)
- Plant Sciences (67)
- Agricultural Science (6)
- Agronomy and Crop Sciences Life Sciences (3)
- Botany (17)
- Horticulture (3)
- Other Plant Sciences (8)
- Plant Biology (25)
- Plant Breeding and Genetics Life Sciences (2)
- Plant Pathology (4)
- Research Methods in Life Sciences (45)
- Systems Biology (15)
- Medicine and Health Sciences (47)
- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment (1)
- Diseases (9)
- Animal Diseases (2)
- Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities (1)
- Endocrine System Diseases (1)
- Immune System Diseases (1)
- Parasitic Diseases (3)
- Virus Diseases (5)
- Health Information Technology (2)
- Medical Sciences (2)
- Biological Phenomena, Cell Phenomena, and Immunity (1)
- Genetic Phenomena (1)
- Medical Biochemistry (1)
- Medical Cell Biology (1)
- Medical Genetics (1)
- Medical Immunology (1)
- Medical Microbiology (2)
- Medical Molecular Biology (1)
- Medical Pathology (1)
- Mental and Social Health (1)
- Organisms (1)
- Other Medicine and Health Sciences (9)
- Psychiatry and Psychology (3)
- Public Health (20)
- Environmental Public Health (11)
- Epidemiology (10)
- International Public Health (4)
- Maternal and Child Health (2)
- Translational Medical Research (1)
- Veterinary Medicine (9)
- Physical Sciences and Mathematics (61)
- Applied Mathematics (4)
- Computer Sciences (6)
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (4)
- Databases and Information Systems (2)
- Software Engineering (2)
- Earth Sciences (13)
- Environmental Sciences (50)
- Environmental Education (2)
- Environmental Health and Protection (7)
- Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment (11)
- Environmental Monitoring (27)
- Natural Resources and Conservation (26)
- Natural Resources Management and Policy (4)
- Oil, Gas, and Energy (1)
- Other Environmental Sciences (4)
- Sustainability (14)
- Water Resource Management (5)
- Mathematics (1)
- Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology (6)
- Other Physical Sciences and Mathematics (3)
- Statistics and Probability (12)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (141)
- Agricultural and Resource Economics (15)
- Animal Studies (10)
- Anthropology (17)
- Archaeological Anthropology (4)
- Biological and Physical Anthropology (15)
- Other Anthropology (5)
- Social and Cultural Anthropology (7)
- Communication (8)
- Economics (10)
- Behavioral Economics (2)
- Economic History (3)
- Economic Theory (1)
- Growth and Development (2)
- Health Economics (1)
- Labor Economics (1)
- Other Economics (3)
- Political Economy (1)
- Public Economics (1)
- Regional Economics (2)
- Environmental Studies (54)
- Geography (15)
- Human Geography (3)
- Nature and Society Relations (11)
- Physical and Environmental Geography (4)
- Remote Sensing (2)
- Spatial Science (2)
- International and Area Studies (3)
- Library and Information Science (2)
- Other Social and Behavioral Sciences (14)
- Political Science (5)
- Comparative Politics (1)
- International Relations (2)
- Models and Methods (2)
- Other Political Science (1)
- Psychology (17)
- Biological Psychology (1)
- Child Psychology (1)
- Comparative Psychology (2)
- Health Psychology (1)
- Other Psychology (4)
- Social Psychology (1)
- Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration (6)
- Energy Policy (1)
- Environmental Policy (9)
- Health Policy (3)
- Other Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration (2)
- Policy Design, Analysis, and Evaluation (2)
- Public Policy (3)
- Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration (2)
- Science and Technology Studies (3)
- Sociology (9)
- Community-based Research (2)
- Demography, Population, and Ecology (4)
- Human Ecology (2)
- Inequality and Stratification (3)
- Medicine and Health (2)
- Other Sociology (1)
- Race and Ethnicity (2)
- Sociology of Religion (2)
- Urban Studies and Planning (11)