
Filtering by Subject: Life Sciences

Social justice and inclusive conservation must guide GBF implementation

James Reed, Jos Barlow, Rachel Carmenta, et al.

Published: 2024-10-21
Subjects: Life Sciences

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework marked a renewed commitment to address the biodiversity crisis. This framework, consisting of four goals and 23 targets which are intended to guide conservation efforts for the next thirty years, displays an enhanced level of ambition compared to its predecessor. However, the pursuit of multilateral agreements is dependent upon national pledges, [...]

Habitat alteration impacts predation risk in an aposematic amphibian

Doriane Hagnier, Carolin Dittrich, Myrna Van den Bos, et al.

Published: 2024-10-20
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences

Predator-prey interactions can be viewed as an evolutionary arms race influenced by environmental factors. Forest management, for example, can influence such interactions and alter community structure. A common anti-predator strategy, known as aposematism, lies on the coupling of warning signals with secondary (e.g., chemical) defences to deter predators. The European fire salamander (Salamandra [...]

Protecting forests and trees is essential for global agricultural productivity

Gayoung Yang, Constantin M Zohner, Gabriel Smith, et al.

Published: 2024-10-20
Subjects: Life Sciences

Balancing forest conservation and agricultural production is essential for a sustainable future. Here we review the scientific evidence for the relationships between forests and agricultural productivity across different scales, summarizing the contexts under which trees limit, maintain, or enhance agricultural productivity. While synergies and trade-offs occur at local scales, a regional-scale [...]

Turning Brewery Waste into Paper: Brewer’s Spent Grain as an Alternative Fiber in Sustainable Paper Innovation

Kurt Haunreiter

Published: 2024-10-20
Subjects: Life Sciences

Brewer's spent grain is a significant byproduct of the brewing industry, composed mainly of cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin, and polysaccharides (arabinoxylans). It is primarily used for agricultural purposes, such as animal feed. However, it also presents an alternative option as a substitute for wood cellulose in certain paper grades. This study investigates the strength contribution of [...]

Survival analysis of wildlife cameras exposed to theft

Laura M. Cardona, Barry W. Brook, Zach Aandahl, et al.

Published: 2024-10-17
Subjects: Life Sciences

Setting camera traps along roads is often necessary for ecological research, yet these locations expose cameras to theft leading to substantial data losses. Measures to minimise this risk include placing cameras away from human settlements. However, the effects of this and other measures on camera-trap theft risk are yet to be quantified. Here, we assessed the impact of gates on roads, the [...]

Should I stay or should I go: Transmission trade-offs in mobile genetic elements

Jana Sanne Huisman, Andrina Bernhard, Claudia Igler

Published: 2024-10-16
Subjects: Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Microbiology

Mobile genetic elements (MGEs), including temperate bacteriophages and conjugative plasmids, are major vectors of virulence and antibiotic resistance in bacterial populations. To maximize reproductive fitness, MGEs have to optimize horizontal and vertical transmission. Yet, the cost of horizontal transmission (e.g. phage lysis) puts these transmission modes at odds. Using virulence-transmission [...]

Urban bumblebees diversify their foraging strategy to maintain nutrient intake

Simonetta Selva, Marco Moretti, Fabian Ruedenauer, et al.

Published: 2024-10-16
Subjects: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Entomology, Life Sciences

Anthropogenic ecosystems can alter individual functions and ecological processes such as resource use and species interactions. While variability on morphological traits involved in diet and resource use has been observed between urban and non-urban populations of pollinators, the consequences on the dietary and pollen transportation patterns remain poorly understood. Here, we investigate the [...]

Filosofía Fungi

César Marín, Javier Suárez

Published: 2024-10-16
Subjects: Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences

Muchos conceptos en ecología y evolución se han construido en base a observaciones zoológicas y, en menor medida, botánicas, mientras que una visión fúngica en estas áreas es prácticamente inexistente. Mucho menos se han indagado aspectos de la filosofía de la biología en base a los hongos. Sin embargo, en este artículo mostramos que dadas sus características particulares, el Reino Fungi [...]

The Fish Challenge to Vertebrate Cognitive Evolution

Zegni Triki, Carel van Schaik, Redouan Bshary

Published: 2024-10-16
Subjects: Life Sciences

There is tremendous taxonomic variation in the size, shape, and structure of vertebrate brains. While many studies aim at identifying the ecological factors (social and environmental) that explain brain size variation within taxa, a more fundamental divide exists between endotherm and ectotherm vertebrates. Ectotherms have ten times smaller brains than endotherms. The existing hypotheses cannot [...]

Cooperation, status, and altruism in a mixed society of Amazonian parrots

Kyle Schuyler Van Houtan, Jose-Ignacio Rojas-Moscoso, Hope Noelle Van Houtan, et al.

Published: 2024-10-16
Subjects: Life Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Parrots are a highly intelligent taxon whose complex behaviors in wild societies require description. Here we observed 12 species of parrots, macaws, and parakeets in mixed flocks foraging on exposed cliffs in southeast Perú. For each species, we developed a single bootstrapped index of sociality from 9 derived metrics of abundance, chronology, functional roles, and agonistic interactions. This [...]

Towards repeated clear-cutting of boreal forests - a tipping point for biodiversity?

Lisa Fagerli Lunde

Published: 2024-10-15
Subjects: Life Sciences

Boreal forests are important carbon sinks and host a diverse array of species that provide important 14 ecosystem functions. Boreal forests have a long history of intensive forestry, in which even-aged 15 management with clear-cutting has been the dominating harvesting practice for the past 50–80 16 years. As a second cycle of clear-cutting is emerging, there is an urgent need to review the [...]

Fluctuating environments favour cooperation among non-kin in birds

Christina Hansen Wheat, Emily O'Connor, Philip Ashleigh Downing, et al.

Published: 2024-10-12
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences

Cooperative groups are highly variable in relatedness and size, but whether this influences the environments where species live remains unclear. We test the prediction that cooperation among nonkin occurs in extreme environments where the mutual benefits of helping are high. This contrasts to family groups where high relatedness reduces the direct benefits required for helping to be favoured, [...]

Revisiting Adaptive Introgression at the HLA Genes in Lithuanian Genomes with Machine Learning

Josef Hackl, Xin Huang

Published: 2024-10-12
Subjects: Life Sciences

Narrow roads to Fern Land: revisiting and re-analysing the paradox of sexual reproduction

Joachim L. Dagg

Published: 2024-10-12
Subjects: Life Sciences

Some major thought on the evolutionary maintenance of sexual reproduction is revisited. This leads to a new perspective about the role of complex life cycles for the maintenance of sex. And it leads to a new comparison of organisms with different life cycles. Organisms like strawberries propagate contrary to what would be adaptive under red-queen selection from micro-parasites. Their recombinant [...]

Inbreeding and adaptation to captivity depress the response to stress

Aurelio F Malo, Nadja Wielebnowski, Glen Alaks, et al.

Published: 2024-10-12
Subjects: Life Sciences

The success of reintroductions using captive-bred populations of wild species is potentially impacted by adaptations to non-natural captive environments. Little research has been done into how physiological traits change from wild to captive populations. We do not yet understand how glucocorticoid secretion patterns, a critical aspect of the stress response and other underlying life-history [...]


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