
There are 1649 Preprints listed.

Integrating animal tracking and trait data to facilitate global ecological discoveries

Roxanne Beltran, A. Marm Kilpatrick, Stephanie Adamczak, et al.

Published: 2024-05-06
Subjects: Life Sciences

Understanding animal movement is at the core of ecology, evolution, and conservation science. Big data approaches for animal tracking have facilitated impactful synthesis research on spatial biology and behavior in ecologically important and human-impacted regions. Similarly, databases of animal traits (e.g., body size, limb length, locomotion method, lifespan) have been used for a wide range of [...]

Origin of the impact of rock climbing on cliff ecosystems: A guide to evidence-based conservation management to regulate climbing

Felipe Morales-Armijo, Andrea Sobrevilla-Covarrubias, Eduardo Estrada-Castillón, et al.

Published: 2024-05-06
Subjects: Life Sciences

1. Cliff ecosystems provide refuge to 35-66% of the world’s endemic plants. However, they face growing threats from climbing. Evidence suggests that untouched cliffs harbor approximately twice the plant richness compared to climbed cliffs, with increasing impact as climbing intensity increases. Unfortunately, the origin and extent of the climbing impact has not been assessed so far. 2. We [...]

IUCN Red List of Ecosystems, Mangroves of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

Somaya Magdy M. Ghoraba, Hanan Almahasheer, Ahmed A.H. Siddig, et al.

Published: 2024-05-06
Subjects: Life Sciences

Mangroves of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden is a regional ecosystem subgroup (level 4 unit of the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology). It includes the marine eco-regions of Gulf of Aden, Northern and Central Red Sea, and Southern Red Sea, and extends across Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia. The biota is characterized by two species of true mangroves namely; Avicennia [...]

IUCN Red List of Ecosystems, Mangroves of the Gulf of Guinea - South

Abraham Ekperusi, Ena Suarez

Published: 2024-05-06
Subjects: Life Sciences

The Mangroves of the Gulf of Guinea - South is a regional ecosystem subgroup (level 4 unit of the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology). It includes the Angolan, Gulf of Guinea Central, Gulf of Guinea Islands and Gulf of Guinea South marine ecoregions. The biota is characterized by six species of true mangroves with several associated mangrove species. The majority of the mangroves are found in the [...]

The Value and Urgency of Transportation Forestry

Matthew Browning, Kathleen Wolf, Pamela Murray-Tuite, et al.

Published: 2024-05-06
Subjects: Social and Behavioral Sciences

The community and ecological benefits of trees and forests along roadways and other transportation infrastructure are important. Historically, the dialogue surrounding trees in transportation systems has focused on safety and crash reduction. We propose the sub-field of “Transportation Forestry” to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of trees and supporting green [...]

IUCN Red List of Ecosystems, Mangroves of the Arabian (Persian) Gulf

Amna Almansoori, Donald Macintosh, Hanan Almahasheer, et al.

Published: 2024-05-06
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences

Mangroves of the Arabian (Persian) Gulf is a regional ecosystem subgroup (level 4 unit of the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology). It includes the marine ecoregions of the Arabian (Persian) Gulf, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman, Western Arabian Sea and Western India (Asia). Mangroves of the Arabian (Persian) Gulf occupy sheltered intertidal lagoons along coastlines and offshore islands, occupying various [...]

Symbiotic status does not preclude hybridisation in Mediterranean octocorals

Didier Aurelle, Anne Haguenauer, Marc Bally, et al.

Published: 2024-05-05
Subjects: Life Sciences

Understanding how species can form and remain isolated in the marine environment is still an active research area. Correctly delimiting species if also of interest for biodiversity conservation and for a wide range of biological studies. Here we study the differentiation and the possibility of hybridization among three temperate octocorals : Eunicella cavolini, E. singularis and E. verrucosa. [...]

Predator-Prey movement interactions: jaguars and peccaries in the spotlight

Vanesa Bejarano Alegre, Júlia Emi de Faria Oshima, Claudia Zukeran Kanda, et al.

Published: 2024-05-05
Subjects: Behavior and Ethology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences

Understanding how the landscape influences the distribution and behavior of predators and prey gives us insights into the spatial dynamics of their interactions and the factors that shape their populations across space and time. This study analyzed interactions between jaguars (Panthera onca) and white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) at different forest and grassland distances and under varying [...]

Revisiting Wolbachia detections: old and new issues in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and other insects

Perran A Ross, Ary A Hoffmann

Published: 2024-05-05
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Entomology, Life Sciences, Microbiology

Wolbachia continue to be reported in species previously thought to lack them, particularly Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The presence of Wolbachia in this arbovirus vector is considered important because releases of mosquitoes with transinfected Wolbachia are being used around the world to suppress pathogen transmission and these efforts depend on a lack of Wolbachia in natural populations of this [...]

A dire need for better standards of data quality, transparency, and reproducibility in IUCN RedList assessments

Alice Hughes, Michael C. Orr, Ruben D. Palacio, et al.

Published: 2024-05-05
Subjects: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

The IUCN RedList is the most extensive source of information on the global extinction risk including over 157000 species. The sheer scale of this initiative presents challenges in data standards and reporting, especially given that legacy issues may reduce accuracy. Here, we assess the bibliographic underpinnings of RedList assessments for five taxa with fairly complete assessments (four [...]

University herbaria are uniquely important

Erika J Edwards, Brent Mishler, Charles Davis

Published: 2024-05-02
Subjects: Biodiversity, Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences

University herbaria play critical roles in biodiversity research and training and provide an interdisciplinary academic environment that fosters innovative uses of natural history collections. Universities have a responsibility to steward these important collections in perpetuity, in alignment with their academic missions and for the good of science and society.

Quantifying the Value of Community Science Data for Conservation Decision-making

Allison Binley, Jeffrey Hanson, Orin Robinson, et al.

Published: 2024-05-02
Subjects: Life Sciences

Monitoring biodiversity can be critical for informing effective conservation strategies, but can also deplete the resources available for management actions. Freely-available community science data may help alleviate this issue, but only if data quality is sufficient to inform the best decisions. Our objective was to quantify the predicted outcomes of prioritizing conservation action based on [...]

O mapa do tesouro perdido: guias de campo e o seu papel na promoção da conservação

Rachel Turba de Paula, André Hoffmann, Vanessa Fernandes Guimarães

Published: 2024-05-01
Subjects: Education

O projeto ‘Guias da Conservação: de turista a naturalista’ surgiu com o propósito de estimular o pensamento conservacionista através da sensibilização do público, utilizando-se da biodiversidade contida na Mata Atlântica na forma de guias de campo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a recepção dos guias de campo desenvolvidos pelo projeto. O público alvo foi o público participante do evento [...]

Wildlife health perceptions and monitoring practices in globally distributed protected areas

Diego Montecino-Latorre, Mathieu Pruvot, Sarah H Olson

Published: 2024-04-30
Subjects: Biodiversity, Environmental Monitoring, Epidemiology, Health Information Technology, Health Policy, Life Sciences, Natural Resources and Conservation, Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration, Sustainability, Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Epidemiology, and Public Health

Diseases are a threat to biodiversity conservation and global health, however, wildlife health (WH) surveillance systems remain uncommon. This deficit is especially relevant in protected areas (PAs) facing anthropogenic pressures. Integration of field conservation actors patrolling PAs can drastically strengthen WH surveillance. Nevertheless, baseline information regarding current WH monitoring [...]

Seasonal patterns of resource use within natural populations of burying beetles

Swastika Issar, Chloé Leroy, Patrizia d'Ettorre, et al.

Published: 2024-04-30
Subjects: Life Sciences

For organisms in temperate environments, seasonal variation in resource availability and weather conditions exert fluctuating selection pressures on survival and fitness, resulting in diverse adaptive responses. By manipulating resource availability on a local spatial scale, we studied seasonal patterns of resource use within natural populations of burying beetles (Nicrophorus vespilloides) in a [...]


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