
There are 1954 Preprints listed.

A picky predator and its prey: how climate change may impact a ptarmigan specialist

Annabel Josien Slettenhaar, Jan Eivind Østnes, Børje Cato Moen, et al.

Published: 2024-11-06
Subjects: Life Sciences

Species interactions can be altered by climate change but can also mediate its effects. A predator-prey couple reflecting the dynamics of boreal and alpine ecosystems is the gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) and the ptarmigan (Lagopus spp.). To determine how climate change may impact the alpine food web, we investigated how ptarmigan abundance and local weather impacts gyrfalcon diet and feeding [...]

Altered phenotypic responses of asexual Arctic Daphnia after 10 years of rapid climate change

Athina Karapli-Petritsopoulou, Jasmin Josephine Heckelmann, Dörthe Becker, et al.

Published: 2024-11-05
Subjects: Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Genetics and Genomics, Life Sciences, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology

Understanding the fates of organisms and ecosystems under global change requires consideration of the organisms’ rapid adaptation potential. In the Arctic, the recent temperature increase strongly impacts freshwater ecosystems which are important sentinels for climate change. However, a mechanistic understanding on the adaptive capacity of their key zooplankton grazers, among them polyploid, [...]

Conservation translocations lead to reduced gut microbiome diversity, and compositional changes, in the Seychelles warbler

Sarah F Worsley, Zoe Crighton, Chuen Zhang Lee, et al.

Published: 2024-11-05
Subjects: Life Sciences

Conservation translocations are an increasingly common tool used to help combat species extinction and global biodiversity loss. However, their success is dependent on a wide range of abiotic and biotic factors. To date, the potential role of host-associated microbiomes in translocation success has been overlooked despite their fundamental contribution to host health and fitness. Here, we use [...]

FAIRification of DMRichR Pipeline: Advancing Epigenetic Research on Environmental and Evolutionary Model Organisms

Wassim Salam, Marcin Wlodzimierz Wojewodzic, Dagmar Frisch

Published: 2024-11-05
Subjects: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Environmental Public Health, Life Sciences, Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Bioinformatics tools often prioritize humans or human-related model organisms, overlooking the requirements of environmentally relevant species, which limits their use in ecological research. This gap is particularly challenging when implementing existing software, as inadequate documentation can delay the innovative use of environmental models for modern risk assessment of chemicals that can [...]

The Deadly Trio: Do warming, acidification & deoxygenation destabilize the anemone-algae symbiosis?

Bianca Allegra Parodi, Ioana Stanca, Laia Burgués Palau, et al.

Published: 2024-11-04
Subjects: Integrative Biology, Life Sciences, Marine Biology, Physiology, Systems and Integrative Physiology Life Sciences

Anthropogenic climate change is primarily driven by carbon dioxide release, which causes a domino effect of warming, acidification, and hypoxia in aquatic habitats. Using a fully-crossed experimental design, we investigated how exposure to this “deadly trio” of environmental stressors affects the sea anemone, Exaiptasia diaphana and its endosymbiotic dinoflagellates. To mimic conditions found on [...]

Beyond the concrete jungle: The value of urban biodiversity for regional conservation efforts

Lior Ventura, Strubbe Diederik, Assaf Shwartz

Published: 2024-11-04
Subjects: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Urbanization deletes and degrades natural ecosystems, contributing to the ongoing biodiversity crisis. Yet, on the local scale, well-managed cities can host significant biodiversity, including endemic and threatened species. Understanding the trade-off between local and regional biodiversity outcomes is limited, primarily due to the lack of comprehensive sampling across heterogeneous urban areas [...]

Niche dynamics of alien plant species in Mediterranean Europe

Luigi Cao Pinna, Laure Gallien, Tommaso Jucker, et al.

Published: 2024-11-03
Subjects: Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Plant Sciences

Aim Humans have spread plants globally for millennia, inadvertently causing ecological disruptions. However, biological invasions also provide a unique opportunity to study the process of niche dynamics, through which species adapt their niche when confronted with novel environments. Focusing on the Mediterranean Basin, we assessed 1) which traits favour niche dynamics, and 2) whether niche [...]

Meromixis in the Anthropocene: pathways of change

Dagmar Frisch, Christopher Barry, Francesco Di Nezio, et al.

Published: 2024-11-03
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology

Spider colour polymorphism is shaped by precipitation, not ambient temperature

Fabian C. Salgado-Roa, Devi Stuart-Fox, Iliana Medina

Published: 2024-11-03
Subjects: Life Sciences

Colour polymorphism, the presence of multiple colour variants within a population, is a common example of intraspecific phenotypic variation and has served as a model for studying drivers of diversity. Climatic factors can influence the distribution and abundance of colour variants, yet research often focuses on lineages where sexual selection covaries with the climate-colouration associations. [...]

Continental-scale empirical evidence for relationships between fire response strategies and fire frequency

Sophie Yang, Mark KJ Ooi, Daniel S. Falster, et al.

Published: 2024-11-03
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences

• Theory suggests that the dominance of resprouting and seeding, two key mechanisms through which plants persist with recurrent fire, both depend on other traits and vary with fire regime. However, these patterns remain largely untested over broad scales. • We analysed the relationships between average fire frequency, derived from MODIS satellite data, and resprouting and seeding strategies [...]

Language, economic, and gender disparities widen the scientific productivity gap

Tatsuya Amano, Valeria Ramírez-Castañeda, Violeta Berdejo-Espinola, et al.

Published: 2024-11-01
Subjects: Environmental Studies

Scientific communities need to understand and eliminate barriers that prevent scientists from reaching their full potential. However, the combined impact of individuals’ linguistic, economic, and gender backgrounds on their scientific productivity is poorly understood. Using a survey of 908 environmental scientists, we show that being a woman is associated with up to a 45% reduction in the number [...]

Towards a modern and efficient European biodiversity observation network fit for multiple policies

W. Daniel Kissling, Tom D. Breeze, Camino Liquete, et al.

Published: 2024-11-01
Subjects: Life Sciences

To address the biodiversity crisis, global and regional policy frameworks like the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the European Green Deal demand to monitor biodiversity. Despite these efforts, existing approaches for monitoring biodiversity remain fragmented and lack data integration. Here, we review and synthesize crucial information for developing an integrated European-wide [...]

Time will tell: the temporal and demographic contexts of plant-soil microbe interactions

Po-Ju Ke, Gaurav Kandlikar, Suzanne Xianran Ou, et al.

Published: 2024-10-31
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Soil microorganisms can have profound impacts on plant community dynamics and have received increasing attention in the context of plant-soil feedback. The effects of soil microbes on plant community dynamics are classically evaluated with a two-phase experimental design that consists of a conditioning phase, during which plants modify the soil microbial community, and a response phase, during [...]

Exploring bird biodiversity: a survey of avian richness in the dams of oke-ogun, nigeria

Yinka Julianah Adeniji, Oluyinka Sunday Odewumi, Bibitayo Ayobami Owolabi

Published: 2024-10-30
Subjects: Life Sciences

Wetland degradation, both natural and anthropogenic, impacts biodiversity and ecosystem services. Artificial wetlands, such as dams, may help mitigate the loss of natural wetlands, but their conservation potential is understudied. This research explores avian diversity, anthropogenic impacts, and community perceptions of bird species across three dams -Igboho, Okeho, and Kishi located in [...]

Priced out of belonging? Insufficient concessions on membership fees across international societies in ecology and evolution

Malgorzata Lagisz, Kevin R Bairos-Novak, April Robin Martinig, et al.

Published: 2024-10-30
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences

Learned societies, as professional bodies for scientists, are an integral part of the scientific system. However, their membership fees have the potential to be prohibitive to the most vulnerable members of the scientific community. To shed light on how membership fees are structured, we conducted a survey of 182 international learned societies relevant to researchers in ecology and evolution. We [...]


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