
Filtering by Subject: Biodiversity

“Keep your Nassauvieae close…and your Mutisieae CLOSER”…Phylogenetic relations of Macrachaenium Hook.f. (Asteraceae; Mutisieae)

Mark Alan Hershkovitz

Published: 2024-05-24
Subjects: Biodiversity

Reanalysis of Mutisioideae nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) rpl32-trnL spacer sequences demonstrates that the monotypic genus Macrachaenium Hook.f. pertains to Mutisioideae (Asteraceae) tribe Mutisieae, in which it was classified formerly, and not Nassauvieae, in which it is classified currently. The analysis also highlights persistent [...]

Ten golden rules for restoration to secure resilient and just seagrass social-ecological systems

Richard Kazimierz Frank Unsworth, Benjamin Lawrence Hopper Jones, Chiara Bertelli, et al.

Published: 2024-05-20
Subjects: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Marine Biology, Plant Sciences

It is unequivocal that the world has lost a significant proportion of its seagrass, and although glimmers of hope exist, losses continue with many ongoing negative trajectories. First and foremost, we need to put the world on a global pathway to seagrass net gain. Conservation of what remains must be a priority, but we need to increase coverage at rates unlikely to be achieved naturally; [...]

A minimum data standard for wildlife disease studies

Tess Stevens, Ryan Zimmerman, Greg Albery, et al.

Published: 2024-05-19
Subjects: Animal Diseases, Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Diseases, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Microbiology and Microbial Ecology Life Sciences, Life Sciences, Microbiology, Parasitic Diseases, Veterinary Infectious Diseases, Veterinary Medicine, Virology, Virus Diseases

Thousands of scientists and practitioners conduct research on infectious diseases of wildlife. Rapid and comprehensive data sharing is vital to the transparency and actionability of their work, but unfortunately, most efforts designed to publically share these data are focused on pathogen determination and genetic sequence data. Other facets of existing surveillance data – particularly [...]

How is the effectiveness of terrestrial protected areas to conserve biodiversity measured? A systematic map

Neal R Haddaway, Natasha Stoudmann, Sini Savilaakso

Published: 2024-05-16
Subjects: Biodiversity, Life Sciences

Protected areas (PAs) are fundamental in preserving ecological diversity, supporting ecosystem services, and mitigating human impacts in today’s world. However, the mere designation of PAs is insufficient for achieving conservation goals. It needs to be ensured through employment of robust management practices and the deployment of scientifically sound monitoring methodologies. This systematic [...]

Factors Influencing Support for Bat Management and Conservation in the Wildland-Urban Interface

Michael Petriello, Catrin Edgeley, Carol Chambers, et al.

Published: 2024-05-13
Subjects: Biodiversity, Environmental Studies, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about bats often underlie social support for bat management and intentions to conserve bats. Effective bat conservation and management hinges on understanding these drivers across contexts. Lands classified as wildland-urban interface (WUI) are rapidly expanding in the USA, increasing the likelihood of human-bat interactions from management practices and [...]

Revised molecular phylogenetic analysis of Leucheria Lag. sensu lato (Asteraceae; Nassauvieae) and implications for morphological and ecological evolution

Mark Alan Hershkovitz

Published: 2024-05-10
Subjects: Biodiversity

In a preceding work, I reanalyzed published ribosomal and plastome DNA sequence data for selected species of Leucheria Lag. and related Nassauvieae (Asteraceae). I reported that the genus Polyachyrus Lag. is phylogenetically nested within Leucheria, hence I transferred species of the former into the latter. I also demonstrated that the monotypic Oxyphyllum Phil. pertains to the Leucheria crown [...]

A dire need for better standards of data quality, transparency, and reproducibility in IUCN RedList assessments

Alice Hughes, Michael C. Orr, Ruben D. Palacio, et al.

Published: 2024-05-05
Subjects: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

The IUCN RedList is the most extensive source of information on the global extinction risk including over 157000 species. The sheer scale of this initiative presents challenges in data standards and reporting, especially given that legacy issues may reduce accuracy. Here, we assess the bibliographic underpinnings of RedList assessments for five taxa with fairly complete assessments (four [...]

University herbaria are uniquely important

Erika J Edwards, Brent Mishler, Charles Davis

Published: 2024-05-02
Subjects: Biodiversity, Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences

University herbaria play critical roles in biodiversity research and training and provide an interdisciplinary academic environment that fosters innovative uses of natural history collections. Universities have a responsibility to steward these important collections in perpetuity, in alignment with their academic missions and for the good of science and society.

Wildlife health perceptions and monitoring practices in globally distributed protected areas

Diego Montecino-Latorre, Mathieu Pruvot, Sarah H Olson

Published: 2024-04-30
Subjects: Biodiversity, Environmental Monitoring, Epidemiology, Health Information Technology, Health Policy, Life Sciences, Natural Resources and Conservation, Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration, Sustainability, Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Epidemiology, and Public Health

Deficits in wildlife health (WH) monitoring at protected areas (PAs) can weaken the detection of infectious diseases; physical, and chemical threats; rapid response; and assessment of health management practices, threatening biodiversity conservation and global health. However, there is a lack of baseline information regarding the local perception of wildlife, human, and livestock health [...]

The global protected area network does not harbor genetically diverse populations

Chloé Schmidt, Eleana Karachaliou, Amy Vandergast, et al.

Published: 2024-04-12
Subjects: Biodiversity, Evolution, Life Sciences

Global biodiversity conservation targets include expanding protected areas and maintaining genetic diversity within species by 2030. However, the extent to which existing protected areas capture genetic diversity within species is unclear. We examined this question using a global sample of nuclear population-level genetic data comprising georeferenced genotypes from 2,513 local populations, [...]

The destructive sampling conundrum and guidelines for effective and ethical sampling of herbaria

Charles Davis

Published: 2024-04-09
Subjects: Biodiversity, Life Sciences

The use of herbaria for science and conservation is revolutionizing the discovery, exploration, and protection of biodiversity at unprecedented scopes and scales. The Global Metaherbarium—a digitally interlinked, open-access resource—is stimulating these efforts and helping to facilitate massive investigations that utilize aggregated digital derivatives of physical herbarium [...]

Datathons: fostering equitability in data reuse in ecology

Stephanie Jurburg, Maria J. Alvarez Blanco, Antonis Chatzinotas, et al.

Published: 2024-04-04
Subjects: Biodiversity, Biology, Environmental Microbiology and Microbial Ecology Life Sciences, Genetics, Genetics and Genomics, Genomics, Life Sciences, Microbiology

Approaches to rapidly collect global biodiversity data are increasingly important, but biodiversity blindspots persist. We organized a three-day Datathon event to improve the openness of local biodiversity data, and facilitate data reuse by local researchers. The first Datathon, organized among microbial ecologists in Uruguay and Argentina assembled the largest microbiome dataset in the region to [...]

No place for phylogeny in structuring a sandy coastal plain community

Jose Eduardo Meireles

Published: 2024-04-03
Subjects: Biodiversity, Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences

Although inference of assembly processes from phylogenetic patterns has become ubiquitous in community ecology, surprisingly few studies simultaneously test assumptions of such an approach and integrate over spatial scales and plant life stages. Here we investigate the roles of phylogeny, functional traits, and abiotic conditions in the spatial structuring of a sandy coastal plain community using [...]

When to use species richness estimators to infer about diversity losses or gains

Gabriel Arellano

Published: 2024-03-29
Subjects: Biodiversity

Pollination across the diel cycle: a global meta-analysis

Liam Kendall, Charlie C Nicholson

Published: 2024-03-29
Subjects: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences

The daily transition between day and night, known as the diel cycle, is characterised by significant shifts in environmental conditions and biological activity, both of which can affect crucial ecosystem functions like pollination. Yet, despite over six decades of research into whether plant reproductive success varies between day and night, consensus remains elusive. We compiled and analysed the [...]


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