
There are 1657 Preprints listed.

Validating morphological condition indices and their relationship with reproductive success in great-tailed grackles

Jennifer Berens, Corina J Logan, Melissa Folsom, et al.

Published: 2020-11-19
Subjects: Animal Sciences, Animal Studies, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Ornithology, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Morphological and physiological variation among individuals has the potential to influence multiple life history characteristics such as dispersal, migration, reproductive success, and survival. Individuals that are in better "condition" can disperse or migrate further or more successfully, have greater reproductive success, and survive longer, particularly in years where environmental conditions [...]

An efficient new assay for measuring zebrafish anxiety: tall tanks that better characterize between-individual differences

Hamza Anwer, Dominic Mason, Susanne Zajitschek, et al.

Published: 2020-11-17
Subjects: Animal Experimentation and Research, Life Sciences, Research Methods in Life Sciences

Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are increasingly being used to model anxiety. A common behavioral assay employed for assessing anxiety-like behaviors in zebrafish is the “novel tank test”. We hypothesized that using deeper tanks in this test would result in greater between-individual variation in behavioral responses and a more ‘repeatable’ assay. After mapping the literature and identifying common [...]

Pandemics and biodiversity: applying lessons learned to conservation in the post-COVID-19 era

Jiajia Liu, Zhijun Ma, Shilu Zheng, et al.

Published: 2020-11-12
Subjects: Biodiversity, Life Sciences

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly restricted human activities, and wild species are seemingly thriving in human-dominated areas. However, we have little understanding of the consequences for biodiversity from governmental policies and socioeconomic changes in response to COVID-19, and their conservation significance. Understanding these impacts is a priority for setting effective conservation [...]

Combining surveys and on-line searching volumes to analyze public awareness about invasive alien species: a case study with the invasive Asian yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina) in Italy

Jacopo Cerri, Simone Lioy, Marco Porporato, et al.

Published: 2020-11-12
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Entomology, Life Sciences, Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Other Life Sciences

The Asian yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina) has been invading Italy since 2013, and it was subjected to management projects aimed at counteracting its spread and raising awareness about its impacts. In autumn 2019, we administered an on-line questionnaire to a convenience sample of 358 beekeepers in Italy. The questionnaire asked them about their sources of information about V. velutina, [...]

Maturation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae): a synthesis of ecological, genetic, and molecular processes

Kenyon Mobley, Tutku Aykanat, Yann Czorlich, et al.

Published: 2020-11-10
Subjects: Behavior and Ethology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Evolution, Genetics, Genetics and Genomics, Genomics, Life Sciences, Physiology, Population Biology

Over the past decades, Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) has emerged as a model system for sexual maturation research, owing to the high diversity of life history strategies, knowledge of trait genetic architecture, and their high economic value. The aim of this synthesis is to summarize the current state of knowledge concerning maturation in Atlantic salmon, outline knowledge gaps, and [...]

Using citizen science to measure recolonisation of birds after the Australian 2019-20 mega-fires

Joshua S Lee, Corey Thomas Callaghan, William K Cornwell

Published: 2020-11-09
Subjects: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology

Large and severe fires (“mega-fires”) are increasing in frequency across the globe, often pushing into ecosystems that have previously had very long fire return intervals. The 2019-20 Australian bushfire season was one of the most catastrophic fire events on record. Almost 19 million hectares were burnt across the continent displacing and killing unprecedented numbers of native fauna, including [...]

Transgenerational effects of temperature fluctuations in Arabidopsis thaliana

Ying Deng, Oliver Bossdorf, J F Scheepens

Published: 2020-11-09
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Evolution, Life Sciences, Population Biology

Plant stress responses can extend into the following generations, a phenomenon called transgenerational effects. Heat stress, in particular, is known to affect plant offspring, but we do not know to what extent these effects depend on the temporal patterns of the stress, and whether transgenerational responses are adaptive and genetically variable within species. To address these questions, we [...]

Heuristics for the sustainable harvest of wildlife in stochastic social-ecological systems

Elizabeth Law, John D C Linnell, Bram Van Moorter, et al.

Published: 2020-11-06
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology

Sustainable wildlife harvest is challenging due to the complexity of uncertain social-ecological systems, and diverse stakeholder perspectives of sustainability. In these systems, semi-complex stochastic simulation models can provide heuristics that bridge the gap between highly simplified theoretical models and highly context-specific case-studies. Such heuristics allow for more nuanced [...]

Periodic monitoring of vampire bats and rabies: a new framework for animal restoration projects in the Neotropics

Fernando Gonçalves, Daniel G. Streicker, Mauro Galetti

Published: 2020-11-06
Subjects: Biodiversity, Immunology and Infectious Disease, Immunology of Infectious Disease, Life Sciences

Nowadays, restoration project might lead to increased public engagement and enthusiasm for biodiversity and is receiving increased media attention in major newspapers, TED talks and the scientific literature. However, empirical research on restoration project is rare, fragmented, and geographically biased and long-term studies that monitor indirect and unexpected effects are needed to support [...]

Wolf depredation hotspots in France: Clustering analyses accounting for livestock availability

Oksana Grente, Thibault Saubusse, Olivier Gimenez, et al.

Published: 2020-11-06
Subjects: Agriculture, Animal Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Zoology

Depredation hotspots are the main source of conflict between humans and large carnivores. When locating depredation hotspots, previous studies have not adjusted for livestock availability, making it impossible for managers to discriminate hotspots resulting from underlying livestock clustering from those due to other factors such as environmental factors. We studied hotspots of wolf depredation [...]

Among tree and habitat differences in the timing and abundance of spring caterpillars

Kirsty Helen Macphie, Jelmer Menno Samplonius, Jarrod Hadfield, et al.

Published: 2020-11-04
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology

1. Climate warming is causing many spring biological events to advance in timing and where the phenology of resource and consumer advance at different rates this can result in trophic asynchrony. While the temperate study system of deciduous tree – caterpillar – insectivorous passerine has been widely studied, little work has examined whether phenological distribution of caterpillars differ among [...]

SVD entropy reveals the high complexity of ecological networks

Tanya Strydom, Giulio Valentino Dalla Riva, Timothée Poisot

Published: 2020-11-02
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Quantifying the complexity of ecological networks has remained elusive. Primarily, complexity has been defined on the basis of the structural (or behavioural) complexity of the system. These definitions ignore the notion of physical complexity, which can measure the amount of information contained in an ecological network, and how difficult it would be to compress. We present relative rank [...]

Workflow for constructing social networks from automated telemetry systems

Daizaburo Shizuka, Sahas Barve, Allison E. Johnson, et al.

Published: 2020-11-02
Subjects: Animal Experimentation and Research, Behavior and Ethology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Research Methods in Life Sciences

1. Advances in datalogging technologies have provided a way to monitor the movement of individual animals at unprecedented spatial and temporal scales, both large and small. When used in conjunction with social network analyses, these data can provide insight into fine scale associative behaviors. The variety of technologies demand continuous progress in workflows to translate data streams from [...]

Introduced Vespa velutina does not replace native Vespa crabro and Vespula species

Luca Carisio, Jacopo Cerri, Simone Lioy, et al.

Published: 2020-11-02
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Entomology, Life Sciences, Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Population Biology

Alien species invasion could lead to the replacement of native species with similar ecological requirements. Vespa velutina is an invasive hornet recently established in Europe, that is raising concern due to the associated economic and ecological impacts toward managed and wild pollinators besides to the potential competition and replacement of native wasp species. This led to the inclusion of [...]

Shifts between cooperation and antagonism driven by individual variation: A systematic synthesis review

Nicholas Patrick Moran, Barbara A. Caspers, Nayden Chakarov, et al.

Published: 2020-10-28
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

The outcomes of interspecific and intraspecific ecological interactions can be considered to fall along continua from cooperative (mutually beneficial) to antagonistic (detrimental to one or both parties). Furthermore, the position of an interaction outcome along the continuum, for example whether a symbiont provides net costs or benefits to its host, or whether two conspecifics cooperatively [...]


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