
Filtering by Subject: Life Sciences

Evolution of competitive ability and the response to nutrient availability: a resurrection study with the calcareous grassland herb, Leontodon hispidus

Pascal Karitter, Emma Corvers, Marie Karrenbauer, et al.

Published: 2023-09-30
Subjects: Life Sciences

1. Rapid environmental changes across Europe include warmer and increasingly variable temperatures, changes in soil nutrient availability and pollinator decline. These abiotic and biotic changes can affect natural plant populations by imposing significant selection pressures and forcing plants to optimize resource use against competitors. Although recent studies have demonstrated the rapid and [...]

The ecomorphological diversity of Amazonian stream fishes is constrained by phylogenetic relationships

Bruno Eleres Soares, Naraiana L. Benone, Rafael P. Leitão, et al.

Published: 2023-09-30
Subjects: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences

Phylogenetic history and environmental conditions determine trait diversity of species pools. Stream fishes have diversified into a wide range of body and oral shapes that allow a similarly wide range of functional traits that are related to resource use and phylogenetic closeness. Herein, we analyzed 16 ecomorphological traits of nearly 400 fishes inhabiting streams distributed across the [...]

Fundamental questions in meiofauna—how small but ubiquitous animals can help to better understand Nature

Alejandro Martínez García, Stefano Bonaglia, Maikon Di Domenico, et al.

Published: 2023-09-28
Subjects: Life Sciences

Meiofauna—a collective term to define microscopic animals—represent a numerically important component of biodiversity in most of Earth’s ecosystems and play a crucial role in biogeochemical cycles. Meiofauna have also been used as models to understand fundamental adaptive processes, have contributed to a better understanding of the animal’s Tree of Life, and are believed to be a treasure trove [...]

Using the R package popharvest to assess the sustainability of offtake in birds

Fred Allen Johnson, Cyril Eraud, Charlotte Francesiaz, et al.

Published: 2023-09-28
Subjects: Life Sciences

The R package popharvest was designed to help assess the sustainability of offtake in birds when only limited demographic information is available. In this article, we describe some basics of harvest theory and then discuss several considerations when using the different approaches in popharvest to assess whether observed harvests are unsustainable. Throughout, we emphasize the importance of [...]

New horizons for comparative studies and meta-analyses

Patrice Pottier, Daniel W.A. Noble, Frank Seebacher, et al.

Published: 2023-09-26
Subjects: Life Sciences

Comparative analyses and meta-analyses are key tools to elucidate broad biological principles, yet the two approaches often appear different in purpose. We propose an integrated approach that can generate deeper insights into eco-evolutionary processes. Marrying comparative and meta-analytic approaches will allow for 1) a more accurate investigation of drivers of biological variation; 2) a [...]

Best practices for genetic and genomic data archiving

Deborah M Leigh, Amy Vandergast, Maggie Hunter, et al.

Published: 2023-09-26
Subjects: Bioinformatics, Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Genetics and Genomics, Life Sciences

Genetic and genomic data are collected for a vast array of scientific and applied purposes. Despite mandates for public archiving, data are typically used only by the generating authors. The reuse of genetic and genomic datasets remains uncommon because it is difficult, if not impossible, due to non-standard archiving practices and lack of contextual metadata. But as the new field of [...]

Cooler and drier conditions increase parasitism in subtropical damselfly populations

Md Kawsar Khan, Shatabdi Paul, Mostakim Rayhan, et al.

Published: 2023-09-22
Subjects: Life Sciences

Host-parasite interactions are impacted by climate, which may result variation of parasitism across landscapes and time. Understanding how parasitism varies across these spatio-temporal scales is crucial to predicting how organism will respond to and cope under a rapidly changing climate. Empirical work on how parasitism varies across climates is limited. Here, we examine the variation of [...]

Invasion trends: An interpretable measure of change is needed to support policy targets

Melodie A. McGeoch

Published: 2023-09-20
Subjects: Life Sciences

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) calls for a 50% reduction in rates of invasive alien species establishment by 2030. However, estimating changes in rates of introduction and establishment is far from straightforward, particularly on a national scale. Variation in survey effort over time, the absence of data on survey effort, and aspects of the invasion process itself [...]

Sources of confusion in global biodiversity trends

Maëlys Boënnec, Vasilis Dakos, Vincent Devictor

Published: 2023-09-20
Subjects: Life Sciences

Populations and ecological communities are changing worldwide, and empirical studies exhibit a mixture of either declining or mixed trends. Confusion in global biodiversity trends thus remains while being of major social, political, and scientific importance. Part of this variability may arise from the difficulty to reliably assess global biodiversity trends. Here, we conducted a literature [...]

Plant mutations, beyond the clichés

Thibault Leroy

Published: 2023-09-19
Subjects: Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Genetics and Genomics, Life Sciences, Plant Sciences

Monitor indicators of genetic diversity from space using Earth Observation data

Meredith Christine Schuman, Claudia Röösli, Alicia Mastretta Yanes, et al.

Published: 2023-09-15
Subjects: Biodiversity, Life Sciences

By providing images of the globe, measured frequently across several optical domains, in the form of public data, EO has high potential to facilitate and advance biodiversity monitoring. However, there is currently a consensus that EO cannot contribute to monitoring genetic diversity. Here, we challenge this consensus by explaining how EO can help to develop the headline and complementary [...]

Towards integrating and standardising information on plant invasions across Australia

Irene Martin-Fores, Greg R. Guerin, Donna Lewis, et al.

Published: 2023-09-14
Subjects: Life Sciences

Over the last decades, terminology to refer to invasion status along the introduction-naturalisation-invasion continuum have been based either on overcome barriers or on impact-based frameworks, generating debates within the scientific community. The lack of agreement with regards to definitions have sometimes hampered combining information from sources based on different criteria. In Australia, [...]

Towards a unified framework for studying behavioural tolerance to anthropogenic disturbance

Catherine Čapkun-Huot, Daniel T. Blumstein, Dany Garant, et al.

Published: 2023-09-14
Subjects: Life Sciences

Animals vary in how much they respond to risk and the extent to which they can modify their responsiveness over time. How and why animals vary has important consequences for understanding demographic and evolutionary responses to novel or rapidly changing environments. Behavioural tolerance is seen when animals do not have any or have a limited behavioural reaction to a potentially risky [...]

Lasting effects of avian-frugivore interactions on seed dispersal and seedling establishment

Elena Quintero, Juan M. Arroyo, Rodolfo Dirzo, et al.

Published: 2023-09-14
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences

1. The consequences of plant-animal interactions often transcend the mere encounter stage, as those encounters are followed by a chain of subsequent stages on the plant’s reproductive cycle that ultimately determine fitness. Yet, the dissemination and recruitment stages of animal-mediated seed dispersal are seldom analysed jointly, hindering a full understanding of the ecology of seed [...]

Taking cues from ecological and evolutionary theories to expand the landscape of disgust

Allegra Love, Alexis Heckley, Quinn Webber

Published: 2023-09-13
Subjects: Life Sciences

1. Individual animals can attempt to prevent or mitigate parasite risks by altering their behaviour or space use. Behavioural change in response to the presence of parasites in the environment generates what is known as the “landscape of disgust” (analogous to the predator-induced “landscape of fear”). Using a spatial description of cues that indicate parasite risk, and characterizing individual [...]


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