Filtering by Subject: Marine Biology
Sea ice and substratum shape extensive kelp forests in the Canadian Arctic
Published: 2021-09-23
Subjects: Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Marine Biology
The coastal zone of the Canadian Arctic represents 10% of the world’s coastline and is one of the most rapidly changing marine regions on the planet. To predict the consequences of these environmental changes, a better understanding of how environmental gradients shape coastal habitat structure in this area is required. We quantified the abundance and diversity of canopy forming seaweeds [...]
Strategies for Managing Marine Disease
Published: 2021-07-10
Subjects: Life Sciences, Marine Biology
The incidence of emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) has increased in wildlife populations in recent years and is expected to continue to increase with global change. Marine diseases in particular are relatively understudied compared to terrestrial disease, but they can disrupt ecosystem resilience, cause economic loss, or threaten human health. While there are many existing tools to combat the [...]
Report on Ocean Frontier Institute Workshop on Fisheries Management Reference Points in Highly Dynamic Ecosystems
Published: 2021-05-18
Subjects: Life Sciences, Marine Biology
A virtual international workshop on fisheries management reference points in highly dynamic ecosystems was held from January 25-29, 2021. Its purpose was to provide a general overview of the theory and implementation of dynamic reference points to inform fisheries management. This workshop report includes motivation, background, challenges, workshop objectives, keynote presentation summaries, [...]
Global Kelp Forest Restoration: Past lessons, status, and future goals
Published: 2021-05-18
Subjects: Biology, Life Sciences, Marine Biology
Kelp forest ecosystems and their associated ecosystem services are declining around the world. In response, marine managers are working to restore and counteract these declines. Kelp restoration first started in the 1700s in Japan and since then has spread across the globe. Restoration efforts, however, have been largely disconnected, with varying methodologies trialled by different actors in [...]
The economic value of fisheries, blue carbon, and nutrient cycling in global marine forests
Published: 2021-04-29
Subjects: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Marine Biology
Underwater kelp forests have provided valuable ecosystem services for millennia. However, the global economic value of those services is largely unresolved. Kelp forests are also diminishing globally and efforts to manage these valuable resources are hindered without accurate estimates of the services kelp forests provide to society. We present the first global economic estimation of services - [...]
Sponges facilitate primary producers in a Bahamas seagrass system
Published: 2021-04-15
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Marine Biology
Seagrass beds are important coastal ecosystems worldwide that are shaped by facilitative interactions. Recent theoretical work has emphasized the potential for facilitative interactions involving foundation species to be destabilized in the face of anthropogenic change. Consequently, it is important to identify which taxa facilitate seagrasses. In other ecosystems, sponges contribute to the [...]
Reefscape genomics: leveraging advances in 3D imaging to assess fine-scale patterns of genomic variation on coral reefs
Published: 2021-04-15
Subjects: Biology, Genetics and Genomics, Life Sciences, Marine Biology
Coral reefs across the world are undergoing rapid deterioration, and understanding the ecological and evolutionary processes that govern these ecosystems is critical to our ability to protect them. Molecular ecological studies have been instrumental in advancing such understanding, and while initially focused primarily on broad-scale patterns, they have gradually uncovered the prevalence of local [...]
Contrasting climate velocity impacts in warm and cool locations show that effects of marine warming are worse in already warmer temperate waters
Published: 2021-04-01
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Marine Biology, Population Biology, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology
Species responses to climate change are often measured at broad spatiotemporal scales, which can miss fine-scale changes that are relevant to conservation and fisheries management. We develop a scale-able geostatistical approach to assess how juvenile and adult fish distributions have been shaped by changes in bottom temperature and dissolved oxygen over a recent decade of warming in the [...]
Collection and analysis of a global marine phytoplankton primary production dataset
Published: 2021-02-12
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Marine Biology, Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Phytoplankton primary production is a key oceanographic process. It has intimate relationships with the marine food webs dynamics, the global carbon cycle and the Earth’s climate. The study of phytoplankton production on a global scale relies on indirect approaches due to the difficulties associated with field campaigns. On the other hand, modelling approaches require in situ data for both [...]
Ecological and environmental context shape the differential effects of a facilitator in its native and invaded ranges
Published: 2020-12-15
Subjects: Biology, Life Sciences, Marine Biology
Non-indigenous species often exhibit disproportionately strong negative effects in their introduced range compared to their native range, and much research has been devoted to understanding the role of shared evolutionary history, or lack thereof, in driving these differences. Less studied is whether non-indigenous species, particularly those that are important as facilitators in their native [...]
Evidence for an Allee effect in a declining fur seal population
Published: 2020-11-27
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Marine Biology, Population Biology
Allee effects play an important role in the dynamics of many populations and can increase the risk of local extinction. However, some authors have questioned the weight of evidence for Allee effects in wild populations. We therefore exploited a natural experiment provided by two adjacent breeding colonies of contrasting density to investigate the potential for Allee effects in an Antarctic fur [...]
Environmental conditions promote local segregation, but functional distinctiveness allow aggregation of catfishes in the Amazonian estuary
Published: 2020-10-22
Subjects: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Marine Biology, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology
Cooccurrence patterns of species can appear through niche-related processes such as (i) environmental filtering matching specific sets of traits to a given environment, and (ii) limiting similarity selecting divergent functional traits to reduce niche overlap. Locally, both processes should act together to shape the distribution of species. We evaluated the importance of environmental variables [...]
Participatory mapping of aquatic invasive species: a demonstration in a coastal lagoon
Published: 2020-10-15
Subjects: Biodiversity, Life Sciences, Marine Biology, Other Life Sciences, Research Methods in Life Sciences
Aquatic Invasive species (AIS) are a growing driver of change across marine and freshwater ecosystems but spatially-explicit information is seldom available for supporting management actions and decision making. Here we conceived and tested a new participatory method to map the distribution of three invasive species (Callinectes sapidus, Procambarus clarkii and Oreochromis niloticus) in the [...]
Combining mesocosms with models to unravel the effects of global warming and ocean acidification on temperate marine ecosystems
Published: 2020-10-11
Subjects: Life Sciences, Marine Biology
Ocean warming and species exploitation have already caused large-scale reorganization of biological communities across the world. Accurate projections of future biodiversity change require a comprehensive understanding of how entire communities respond to global change. We combined a time-dynamic integrated food web modelling approach (Ecosim) with a community-level mesocosm experiment to [...]
Echolocation and Navigational Distortion Hypothesis of the Short Finned Pilot Whale Beaching in Southern Coast of Tamil Nadu
Published: 2020-08-11
Subjects: Life Sciences, Marine Biology
Cetacean strandings have been a common occurrence in the past and has been recorded in various places. There have been attempts to explain the phenomenon of mass beaching with various theories. Here in this article we propose a hypothesis on the recent mass stranding of Short-finned pilot whales Globicephala macrorhynchus in the southern coast of Tamil Nadu, India. We propose that navigation [...]