This is a Preprint and has not been peer reviewed. This is version 2 of this Preprint.

Premise: Online biodiversity databases like GBIF hold billions of occurrence records, including vouchered specimens and citizen science records. Integrating these two data streams facilitates more robust species checklists. However, processing huge biodiversity datasets can be time-consuming, and most databases are species-focused, rather than place-based, visualisation tools. Methods and Results: infinitylists is a Shiny application and R package that allows users to generate regional species checklists. Our implementation of ‘lazy loading’ using Apache parquet for data storage allows rapid loading of records. After selecting an area, records are retrieved from the Atlas of Living Australia or GBIF. Queries return a text summary, map, table and CSV file. Conclusions: infinitylists is an easy-to-use tool with applications including supplementing survey data, planning collecting expeditions, and informing gap-filling exercises. infinitylists is a complementary tool to existing databases to allow users to rapidly answer the question ‘which species of taxon X have been documented in (or near) spatial polygon Y?’.
Life Sciences
Atlas of Living Australia, biodiversity data, iNaturalist, R package, Shiny, species checklist, voucher
Published: 2024-10-25 19:57
Last Updated: 2024-10-26 02:57
Older Versions
CC-BY Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
Additional Metadata
Data and Code Availability Statement:
The online version of infinitylists is available at The R package version of infinitylists can be run natively on a user's computer and is downloadable from GitHub at, with all data and code for release 2.0.1 available at Zenodo (
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