Distribution, Abundance and Status of At-Risk Birds at a Six-Acre Site    Within the Upper Boileau Biodiversity Reserve, Québec: A Year-Long Research Study

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Jimmy Videle 


Understanding the distribution, abundance and status of at-risk birds in any area where human impact is low is an imperative in understanding the larger ecological situation. Birds have been widely seen as reliable indicators of ecological health and there have been significant population declines in North America, especially among migratory aerial insectivores, and are escalading rapidly. As a worldwide community we must seek out those forests, grasslands and wetlands that are currently the least exploited to measure species—listed as threatened and declining.

This paper documents the research study that took place within the Upper Boileau Biodiversity Reserve—a proposed key biodiversity area. The six-acre site at La Ferme de l’Aube is indicative of the larger UBBR with mixed coniferous and deciduous woodlands, riverine and marshland habitat, open wildlands and a forest edge. During the 357-day study, 122 species were documented, the highest yearly total at the site and a 18.4% increase over the next best yearly effort. 13.9% of all birds observed during the study year are deemed either at-risk or declining.

Looking at regional gaps in bird distribution and filling them with observations will help to understand the impacts of climate change, habitat loss and human interference. Specifically focusing not only on birds currently listed as at risk, but also on those that have been deemed in decline will give us the tools necessary to take aggressive action now so that these species do not end up on these inevitable watch lists.




Biodiversity, Life Sciences, Ornithology, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology


Birds, climate change, ecology, Habitat, Ornithology, species-at-risk


Published: 2024-01-23 04:07


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