How to do biodiversity-related science communication

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Jonas Geschke, Matthias C. Rillig, Katrin Böhning-Gaese, Thomas Potthast, Adina Arth, Lynn V. Dicks, Fritz Habekuss, Daniela Kleinschmit, Harald Lesch, Eva M. Spehn, Silvio Wenzel, Markus Fischer, Alexandra-Maria Klein


Biodiversity is the foundation of our lives. Yet we destroy ecosystems and drive species to extinction. Human-induced biodiversity loss does not yet receive sufficient public attention, although biodiversity is fundamental for dealing with global environmental crises. Effective communication of biodiversity-related knowledge is challenging but crucial and should contribute to evidence-based decision-making transparent to the public. It is essential to promote science communication on biodiversity, and to stimulate dialogue between science, policy, and society. We emphasize the role of science journalism in critically mediating the complexity of scientific knowledge and suggest Dos and Don'ts for scientists to guide biodiversity-related science communication.



Biodiversity, Communication, International and Intercultural Communication


Communication, Journalism, Media, Dialogue, Science-policy-society, Public awareness, Mainstreaming


Published: 2023-02-20 16:55

Last Updated: 2023-10-26 10:00

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