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Wind direction, often used in forecasting locust migration, indicates a non-zero probability of desert locust invasion in eastern Indian states. Apart from present controlling measures, we are additionally suggesting to be cautious about the eggs of locust as the rainfall associated with Super Cyclone Amphan has created a favorable breeding ground for the gregarious locust. Also reverse migration of these locusts might affect the Indian states for the second time. Long-term controlling policy (till Kharif season; June to October) is required to minimize the damage. Also, increasing the farmers awareness and sensitized local ecology groups might be helpful in desert locust reporting.
Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Science, Agriculture, Agronomy and Crop Sciences Life Sciences, Animal Sciences, Entomology, Life Sciences, Plant Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Urban Studies and Planning, Zoology
Desert Locust, Insect Migration, Policy Note
Published: 2020-06-02 08:52
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