A practical conservation tool to combine diverse types of evidence for transparent evidence-based decision-making

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Alec Philip Christie, Harriet Downey, Winifred F Frick, Matthew Grainger, David P O'Brien, Paul Tinsley-Marshall, Michael Winter, Thomas White, William J Sutherland ...  more


Making the reasoning and evidence behind conservation decisions clear and transparent is a key challenge for the conservation community. Similarly, combining evidence from diverse sources (e.g., scientific vs non-
scientific information) into decision-making is also difficult. Our group of conservation researchers and practitioners has co-produced an intuitive tool and template (Evidence-to-Decision (E2D) tool: www.evidence2decisiontool.com) to guide practitioners through a structured process to transparently document and report the evidence and reasoning behind decisions. The tool has three major steps: 1. Define the Decision Context; 2. ...  more




Agriculture, Animal Sciences, Biodiversity, Life Sciences


biodiversity, conservation, decision-making, evidence, Evidence-based


Published: 2021-10-01 09:48


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