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Increasing inclusion & competency in STEM: Understanding LGBTQ+ history, barriers, and heteronormativity

Increasing inclusion & competency in STEM: Understanding LGBTQ+ history, barriers, and heteronormativity

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Nathan Alexander , Douglas Knutson, Loren Lynch, Madeleine Spellman, Michael Rivera, Leslie K Morrow, Maxine Scherz, Thea Clarkberg, Lucas T. Allen-Custodio, Kae Fountain


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and other marginalized gender and sexual identities (LGBTQ+) face unique barriers to participation in the sciences rooted in cis-heteronormativity and heterosexism. We need to expand conversations on LGBTQ+ advocacy in science beyond personal beliefs and actions, and toward the recognition of structural and societal barriers to participation. In this paper, we review how structural deficits and heteronormativity serve as barriers to LGBTQ+ inclusion, well-being, and participation in science. To ground this conversation in a shared understanding of LGBTQ+ oppression and liberation movements, we highlight important historic events that aid in understanding current issues, including the historic and ongoing role of science in the lives and rights of LGBTQ+ people.



Life Sciences


Biology, DEI, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, LGBTQ, STEM, transgender


Published: 2022-05-30 17:04

Older Versions


CC-By Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International