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Filtering by Subject: Environmental Engineering

Leveraging ResNet-50 for Precision Toxicity Classification in Plants: A Vision-Based Approach to Safeguard Public Health

Aria Makhija

Published: 2024-10-04
Subjects: Environmental Engineering, Plant Sciences

The classification of toxic and non-toxic plants plays an important role in ensuring public safety, especially in agriculture, food safety, and health. Correct identification of these plants can prevent accidental poisoning and promote ecological protection. In this paper, we investigate the application of the ResNet-50 model for the classification of toxic and non-toxic plants. Leveraging the [...]

Griffon Vultures restrict movements around roosts and supplementary feeding stations, even when carrion is available on the field: a call for wind energy zonation to avoid ecological traps on Mediterranean islands

Jacopo Cerri, Ilaria Fozzi, Davide De Rosa, et al.

Published: 2023-06-19
Subjects: Behavior and Ethology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Engineering

Wind energy is developing on Mediterranean islands, where endangered populations of Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) occur. As griffons are subjected to collisions with wind turbines while foraging, it is necessary to understand which factors affect their movements, to minimize the potential impact of wind farms. We assessed habitat use by 37 griffons (n. GPS locations = 130,218) and its overlap [...]

An Optical Scattering Based Cost-Effective Approach Towards Quantitative Assessment Of Turbidity And Particle Size Estimation In Drinking Water Using Image Analysis

Soumendra Singh, Animesh Halder, Amrita Banerjee, et al.

Published: 2020-09-23
Subjects: Business, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Life Sciences, Medicine and Health Sciences

Contaminated water consumption primarily for drinking purposes is the cause of approximately 502,000 global deaths every year mostly in economically challenging countries indicating the need for a cheap, easy to use a yet robust and scientifically proven method for determination of water quality. In this work, we have characterized the water quality utilizing the principles of optical scattering [...]

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