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Filtering by Subject: Other Anthropology

The Pest Management Attitude scale: a tool for measuring consensus between experts and practitioners in invasion biology

Jacopo Cerri, Emiliano Mori, Elisa Serra, et al.

Published: 2023-11-17
Subjects: Life Sciences, Other Anthropology, Other Psychology, Psychology, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Systems Biology

Quantifying attitudes towards invasive alien species (IAS) is fundamental to understand the extent to which conservation scientists agree and can collaborate in their management. We tested the Pest Management Scale (PMS), originally invented to quantify attitudes towards invasive alien mammals in New Zealand, as a tool to quantify broader attitudes towards IAS among bioinvasion experts in [...]

The controversial origins of war and peace: apes, foragers, and human evolution

Luke Glowacki

Published: 2023-03-27
Subjects: Biological and Physical Anthropology, Other Anthropology, Other Psychology

The role of warfare in human evolution is among the most contentious topics in the evolutionary sciences. The debate is especially heated because many assume that whether our evolutionary ancestors were peaceful or warlike has important implications for modern human nature. One side argues that warfare has a deep evolutionary history, possible dating to the last common ancestor of bonobos, [...]

Millet, Rice, and Isolation: Origins and Persistence of the Worlds Most Enduring Mega-State

James Kai-sing Kung, Ömer Özak, Louis Putterman, et al.

Published: 2022-06-05
Subjects: Anthropology, Archaeological Anthropology, Asian Studies, Comparative Politics, Economic History, Economics, Geography, Growth and Development, Human Geography, International and Area Studies, International Relations, Models and Methods, Nature and Society Relations, Other Anthropology, Other Economics, Other Political Science, Political Economy, Political Science, Regional Economics, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Social and Cultural Anthropology

We propose and test empirically a theory describing the endogenous formation and persistence of mega-states, using China as an example. We suggest that the relative timing of the emergence of agricultural societies, and their distance from each other, set off a race between their autochthonous state-building projects, which determines their extent and persistence. Using a novel dataset describing [...]

Novel phylogenetic methods reveal that resource-use intensification drives the evolution of “complex” societies

Erik Ringen, Jordan Scott Martin, Adrian Jaeggi

Published: 2021-03-24
Subjects: Anthropology, Other Anthropology, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Explaining the rise of large, sedentary populations, with attendant expansions of socio-political hierarchy and labor specialization (collectively referred to as “societal complexity”), is a central problem for social scientists and historians. Adoption of agriculture has often been invoked to explain the rise of complex societies, but archaeological and ethnographic records contradict simple [...]

Püllomen: an ethnoecological perspective of the Mapuche protector spirit insect

Andrés Muñoz-Sáez

Published: 2020-09-17
Subjects: Anthropology, Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Entomology, Life Sciences, Other Anthropology, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Biodiversity plays an important role in cultural worldviews, influencing myths, stories, and spiritual beliefs of indigenous peoples. This short review explores an ecological phenomenon that may have influenced and contributed to the development of the Mapuche good spirit insect (Püllomen), which represents the spirit of someone who passed away and comes back to the world of the living providing [...]

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