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Make natures role visible to achieve the SDGs

Make natures role visible to achieve the SDGs

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Dave Hole, Pamela Collins, Anteneh Tesfaw, Lina Barrera, Michael B. Mascia, Will Turner


Central to the premise of the Sustainable Development Goals is the concept that the environment underpins the economic and social dimensions of development, yet the language and structure of the SDG framework are largely blind to these environment-development relationships beyond the "nature" Goals (14 and 15). As a result, ecosystem health continues to decline, development milestones lag, and investments are suboptimally allocated. Here, we highlight and conceptually map natures role across the entire framework and make suggestions for leveraging synergies and limiting undesired impacts.



Agriculture, Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Economics, Environmental Studies, Forest Sciences, Life Sciences, Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration, Social and Behavioral Sciences



Published: 2021-09-07 23:23


CC-BY Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0 International